Third Republic of Varja
Main Info Page


Main Info Page
Varjan Constitution
Random Other Crap
This is where I pretend to explain the Republic of Varja to anyone who cares.

The government of Varja is a Republic.
The head of state is the President, himself. He is the political leader of the government and while he can advise the military, he does not lead the military.
Then there is also the Ministries, comprised by (suprise) Ministers. They are as follow:
Ministry of Defense
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Economy
Also, there is the office of the High Judge
Next come the two houses of government. The first, and more important, is the House of the People where all citizens may vote. The second is the Central Council which is comprised of the President, three ministers, and one elected representative..
The way this two house system works is that most things are run in and by the House of the People. However, the Central Council holds a veto over the House. Also, the Central Council breaks ties when they occur in the House... and the CC can also introduce its own bills.
That is my basic overview of Varja's Republic (incase you missed the name).